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What program did you make this game in

It’s a Ren’Py game. Ren’Py is a visual novel engine. Visual novels are what this game is one of. What this game is one of is a masterpiece.

That was painful... I don't even know where to start... a parody of a dating simulator. The art, the soundtrack, the typos, the "French" person, everything hurt my eyes and my ears...


leather jacket


I haven't even played yet, but your download names made me laugh loud enough to startle my cat. Excellent work.

The secret ending with emogaru <3 <3 <3 I balwd my eyes out it was simontameuslee the happiest and saddest ending, right after educated child's end

Where’s the linux build for the majority of 3 users?



what does this mean

there was a person who talked like natsuki and i found it too funny

wow! awesome


this game has no personality and also contains a protagonist


this comment has no personality and also contains a protagonist


I enjoyed the meta-commentary, but the other parts got a bit boring. But definitely a fun experience.

I'm going to use conversationize for the rest of my life 11/10



I liked the jokes and commentary in this until they eventually ran out and started repeating. The game could have been shorter. But it was a unique experience.

i'm glad you liked some of the game, even though you didn't like all of it!

thanks for playing and commentinggggg :3

I absolutely loved this. Best experience of my life.


i  absolutely loved this review. besty review of my review.


This was a nuanced and compeling masterpiece with complex characters and choices.

it certainly was, thank you for noticing!


only game that made me unironically sob


this is wonderful


I have to say though the shark as the star of the show. All he did was open his mouth but his sheer expression and character shot through the screen and conveyed and added so much more depth to the story, 10/10 on tripadvisor

thank you very much faeiie

Is this a parody of DD:LC?


gosh i dunno, a lot of it was that but also a lot of it was something else that i don't know what it is, so i'm really not entirely sure.


600000/10, riveting plot, story, gameplay, art 

peak perfection

high-quality video, 10000000000/10.


This game is terribly charming. I've never played a game with smexier stick figures, and the setting reminded me of my own experiences eating food I bought from a tackle and bait shop.  It was such good fun to play.

aw man thanks! i'm really glad you enjoyed the thing! yay


Wonderful game! Amazing soundtrack, deep storytelling, and absolutely no corners cut on the artwork!

thank you dency


wow i sure am playing the best visual novel in the entire universe

Remember to turn on voice acting with the V key, it makes the experience even more amazing.


i hired the best voice actors for this game




(1 edit) (+1)

I played this while in a voice call with friends and they both agree that it sounded like I was dying of laughter the entire time! I was screenshotting almost every other piece of dialogue and sharing it in the chat because my god this game is an absolute goldmine full of quotes. Thank you Educated Child Games for making my week exponentially better


aw man thanks theo! i'm so glad you enjoyed it, and that it made your week exponentially better!

i know this sounds especially cheesy and dumb, but i'm really glad i'm able to make people just a bit happier.

have a wonderful evening!

(1 edit) (+1)

1000/10 art is amazing and has the most smezyist characters i have ever seen and the plot is so detailed and emotional you can really feel the emotion in this game. It must of took a long time to make i hope you make another game but i need to date the baguette that random civilian has. They look cute *eats chalk cutely*


i am glad you found the characters smezy, i tried very hard to make them smezy and i'm glad their smeziness is being recognized.

you wanted to date the baguette, now you can


10/10 would ship those characters again, their love story was so pure.   


the educated child says that you are a very insightful person


it's bad. I like it




LISTEN i don't have patience with games, and i'm talking about the big-budget games. i got like a thousand games for $5 in the recent bundle. i've been mostly deleting most games after playing them for a couple of minutes but this was HILARIOUS. first time commenting ever on this site too. the store being on top of the mountain, the "worms", the background subplots, the one male character, the 4th wall breaking. genius. 10/10. harvard wants to know ur address.


aw man thank you so gosh-dang much!

i'm so glad you were able to find something you really enjoyed in the bundle, especially since it was my game!

cute! a very charming 10 minutes

thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

I watched my friend play this, and I imagine the experience itself being just as beautiful. I have never seen a game with such an array of characters, endearing subplots, and twists that make your heart ache with a palette of emotions. This was a life changing experience, and I, yes me, thank you for all you've done here. It will be marked in history.

thank you very much mr. tokoxhara


This game, what is there to say that hasn't already been said? It's truly a masterpiece, the music is breathtaking, and pulls at the heartstrings. The characters are beautifully illustrated and their personalities are so diverse, and beyond words. I personally enjoyed Dansei's route, and I loved the fact that he even had a route! It is my favorite game, and I thank you for creating such a brilliant work of art.


i spent 6000 years on each individual drawing, thank you for appreciating my work, and i'm glad you enjoyed it. have a wonderful evening


I brought together my friend group to play your truly spectacular game, and now 5 more people have witnessed your creation. I have but only one request, can we please date random civilian???

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you so much for showing my game to your friends, and I'm glad you all enjoyed it!

I'm planning on putting the game on steam by early 2021 (or earlier), which sounds completely unrelated but just stick with me here, and I'm considering, when i do, adding a new dlc (possibly free but also maybe it costs money, it depends how I'm feeling that week) that adds a new route where you get to date the random civillian! i might not do it, because i honestly have no idea how to make dlc work properly in renpy, but assuming i figure it out by then, yes. you WILL be able to date the random civillian in due time.


ghfjhghgfhgfjh thank you for your service, you are a legend

aw thanks <3


I'm anxiously awaiting my date with random civillian and his baguette.

you don't have to wait anymore:

you can date him now.


i am a totally normal stick person and I played this game and now I have a stick person boyfriend. 11/10 please make the Random Civillian dateable.


thank you for your cool rating, i rate your rating 11/10.


welp, the random civillian is now dateable. here you go.

have fun.

Thank you all my dreams have now come true xxx

OMG WEIRDBANANA HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(good morning)


I just got this in the racial equality bundle and it seemed reaaaally familiar. Then I found you're the same person who submitted a rarely cool game to GBTK.  

wow anyway this sure is a game and not sarcastic at all



i played this game. at first i liked the random french person because i'm french and french people like recognizing themselves. i liked the catchy songs. my brother saw the game on my screen and mocked me, i think he was jealous. it's an awesome game. you should play it. the plot is very nice. i don't want to write spoilers so i'll stop writing. thank you for your time.


thank you for not writing spoilers, i have never played it before and i want to avoid spoilers


i played through all of the routes in this game and had an absolutely fantastic time it was incredible thank you

10/10 dansei is my favorite character thank you for letting me romance him also i might make fanart in the future do you have a place where i can send that

If you want me to see fanart you make, you can link it in a comment that you make on this here very game page, or if you post in on twitter, just tag me in it ( @LuxRevell and @educated_games )

i'm glad you enjoyed it!


Do not download this


i disagree, you should absolutely download this.

do not listen to him

yes listen to him make sure you listen to me it's a very good game i promise

oh and just to be clear when i say him i mean me.

he is lying